Why Pursue a Career
in Austria?

Austria is an excellent place to build a career, boasting high living standards, advanced social services, and internationally recognized companies. On this page, you can find information about the advantages of living and working in Austria.

Vienna, the capital of Austria, is the world's most livable city.

Ranked 8th in the world for quality of life.

11th country according to the World Happiness Report.

Among the top 5 safest countries in the world.

Below-average living costs in Europe.

Approximately 3 hours of flight distance.

Per capita income is $53,638.

Minimum wage for workers is 1,500 Euros.

A Quick Look at Austria

We thought you might want to know these details before embarking on a career in Austria.

Consistently ranking high in the international quality of life index, Austria promises a unique life with high living standards, low crime rates, high social security levels, excellent infrastructure, a first-class healthcare and education system, high-quality housing, a clean environment, clear lakes and rivers, outstanding air quality, and a diverse range of sports and cultural activities.




83.871 km²


Federal Parlamenter Cumhuriyet



Official Language


Recognized Languages

Slovence, Macarca, Burgenland Hırvatçası


Euro (€)


Burgenland, Kaernten, Niederösterreich, Oberösterreich, Salzburg, Steiermark, Viyana, Vorarlberg ve Tirol

*All information is as of the year 2023 and is subject to annual updates.

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